03 February 2013

Timing is Everything

Alright. So I meant to have this out earlier in the weekend but alas, I finally find myself with some stress free time where I do not feel bad just sitting and writing to the small group of people who have taken the time to read what I have to write.

A lot seems to have happened at the same time as not much at all. But first things first.

Yes. I dyed my hair blond. I have taken a few pictures but I have yet to post any of them to facebook. I have not even had the moment of thought to transfer them from my camera to my computer so maybe tomorrow I will have some time to put some new photographs up onto my account. 

Next. I got a new job! I cannot tell you just how thrilled I am! It is definitely a different pace from the custodial job that I have had under my belt since December of 2011. It is one of those call center types but instead of selling potentially useless stuff, we schedule doctors appointments for various offices. So it is nice to get into a true service oriented call center. My hours are actually pretty good. Not ideal but I will not complain because they are heavenly in compare to the  8:30 to midnight shift I have been dealing with since just before summer break. Yes sir. This work shift goes from 3-8 Monday through Thursday and 2-7 on Fridays. What does that mean? I am no longer working on Sundays! What else does this mean? I get 25 hours a week which compared to the 17.5 (if that) hours I was working at custodial is amazing for a little part time student such as myself.

Now I know a few of you are reading this and wondering what is happening to my other job-- especially those of you whom I informed that I would continue my custodial job til they fired me. Well. Surprise! I have been terminated... apparently, to work on campus one must be taking 1 full credit of classes. I am currently taking .5 credits... the add/drop deadline has passed and unless I want to fork out the money to take more credits... well, I am considered ineligible for the job. Thursday was my last day and to be honest? I am really going to miss my coworkers. 
I cannot tell you how much I tried when I first started working there to not make friends because I had not planned to stay as long as I did. Apparently, my coworkers were going to have none of that and soon they got me talking and laughing and joking around and thus, I at least had friends whilst I worked there-- I hope to keep them but you know how it is. Life goes on.

But this brings to mind the idea of the Lord's timing. I mean, honestly, what were the odds that immediately after I was hired at a new job that the school would finally check the specifics of my enrollment and tell me they would terminate? Not only that, but my last day of custodial was also my first day of my new job. 
I am also glad of the location of my new job. There are a couple of restaurants and other businesses within walking distance of the bus stop I use to go to the call center. Guess who is going to look for another job come this Monday? Hopefully someone will hire me for the hours prior to 3 instead of after 8 so that my bus pass doesn't become null and void for after work, you know? But I have gotten this far so I know with continued faith and work, it will work out for my good. 
On top of that, even if I cannot get anyone else to hire me, the call center has let me know that, once I get rolling, I can work more hours and even have some time in the office on Saturdays if that "works into my schedule" because we all know just how busy my schedule is right? Insert sarcastic tone here. 

Anyway-- that is how my busy, hectic life seems to be going now.

Oh, and guess what? My birthday was just this last Wednesday. Is life much different from what it was a week ago? Well... actually yes, but I do not think it is because I turned 22. Ah well. It was nice though. I got a few small things from my loved ones and a beautiful gift card for Deseret Book so that I can get a new set of scriptures, my own copy of Jesus the Christ and possibly a talk on CD. I am loved, dear readers, I am loved. 
I also got to go to Red Mango which is a little frozen yogurt place and I actually would totally recommend having the raspberry yogurt with the little dark chocolate Ghiradelli's pieces. It was the perfect combination and I am glad to have been able to catch up with my friend whilst we ate it. I love those moments where there is no rush.
Speaking of love-- I love sleep! And thus, that is where I am headed as of just about now...

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