Hey all.
So, I used a few prompts from this list of 30 Writing Prompts a year or so ago but as life goes on, I thought I might use them again seeing as I have changed, life has changed, and there are new people to introduce myself to at the beginning of this new year.
Therefore, without further ado, the topic today, friends, is this:
5 Ways to Win My Heart
Alright, so this isn't exactly rocket science that we are dealing with but for those who are better at learning when someone spells things out rather than learning by observation, I see this as a perfectly reasonable topic to cover.
1. Use your vocabulary.
I am a reader and a writer (surprise) and thus I have a great love for words and the use of them in daily conversation. Granted, one should not always be using "unto" or such words that one reads in old or even spiritual texts on a daily basis, but when appropriate, it is fun to hear someone speak of something going "awry" rather than badly, to know that someone has had a "splendid" day rather than a good one.
Bonus points if you use azure instead of blue or lavender instead of purple. Haha! Okay, maybe not, but you get the gist.
2. Thoughtfulness.
It has come to my attention through the years that compared to my schedule, most people I interact with have highly packed and busy schedules. I am also not exactly high up on the monetary chain. What does this mean in regards to thoughtfulness, you ask? Simple. If I have crossed your mind and you wonder, "Is she well?" then if you shoot a text, just a quick little "Hope all is well in your world", that pretty much puts me on top of the world. Not a lot of money? No problem! If you see something I would think is cute, a snapshot wouldn't go amiss or even if you see a wildflower on the roadside or perhaps an acorn in your walking path--if it were given to me? That would put me over the moon. I kid you not.
3. Time.
I cannot rightly remember which General Authority it was, perhaps President Uchtdorf--but they said that love is spelled T-I-M-E. Sure, I am well aware that it might not be hours on hours (maybe not even a full hour) but even a fraction of time spent with me or even just talking with me means more than packing all of our interaction into one day of the week.
If there is a large amount of time to fill together (this is more for romantic interests) then Cuddle Time is wonderful--for I am a rather cuddly creature. And I am not ashamed.
4. Honesty.
Is there really anything to elaborate on this? If something bothers you, be upfront and tell me. Is there something that you love that you want to share with me? Let me know! I want to help or share in your joy! If you are a nerd? I can almost guarantee there is at least one topic we can nerd-out together on.
5. Junior Mints and Daisies.
This is obviously either for my really close friends or, dare I say it, romantic interests. Junior Mints are my favorite candy. Of. All. Time. And, you know, if you were ever in the market to brighten my day with flowers---daisies are the way to go. Tulips and roses are a good second. But daisies definitely take the proverbial cake.
I am sure there are infinitely more ways to my heart but these are a few of the most direct. Questions, comments, or concerns can be directed to me or even my best friends, I'm sure.
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