It happened.
I turned all of four and twenty this past Friday.
I still love Disney. Junior Mints. Naps. Rereading all of my fantasy novels.
I am continuing in my employment by Provo City... and thus, still live in Provo.
I have put a few dreams to rest while reviving others. I have decided that in some instances it is better to take it one day at a time. Some days are harder than others. Some weeks fly more smoothly.
At the end of the day, I am still thankful for the small things--the moments in my life when I am reminded that I am looked out for and loved. Rain still excites me. I still wish on dandelions, stars, and candles.
I have become bolder yet kinder. More compassionate yet firm. I am finding that I care less and less about what others think about me and worry more about what makes me happy. It still hurts to see the pain in the faces of my friends and family. I still procrastinate things I shouldn't and quickly accomplish things that could be put off for a time.
I still love to sing. Dance. Play the piano. I write when the mood strikes me rather than when my readers implore me to write. I feel bad about it. Promise I'll do better. And procrastinate again.
I continue to prefer the forest to the city--a babbling brook happier than a busy highway.
My heart yearns for the ocean and is called by mountains.
I continue to love. Cry. Forgive. Complain. Shrug my shoulders.
The struggle to keep up with laundry is real. So is going to the dentist regularly. I hate needles, blood, and hospitals. Though I have found a doctor that I really don't mind going to see when needed.
I have discovered pita pizzas, cut down on my Pop-Tart consumption, and still eat chocolate frequently.
For once, I am looking toward the end of winter for the sake of spring.
But I still would rather cuddle up to watch a movie than go play football (soccer and volleyball are toss ups). I still cry when Matthew dies. I still swoon for Colonel Brandon (and Mr. Darcy, and Mr. Knightley...).
I still need hugs like air.
I have made new friends--lost others--kept in touch with the best.
Life goes on. I have tacked another year onto my age. And I look forward to what is yet to come.
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