So, if you had not noticed... a new year has graced our little world and everyone is talking about resolutions and what they will do better this next year.
As a quick review of this past year, I have learned quite a bit about myself and others and would like to believe that I have grown in patience and a zeal for life. I have gotten in my own way with a lot of things and let God guide the rest.
My family has experienced quite a few internal changes that I have learned to cope with and work around. I shed many a tear but afterward found the humor and reason to laugh.
This being said I have a couple resolutions for this next year.
Firstly, I am working on myself. The kind of woman I am. No longer am I going to just sit and let boys decide where our relationships are going to go. I hate to be classified as one of those "all or nothing" types because in truth, I am more than willing to be patient and let things unfold at a steady pace. However, I am tired of rushing into hand holding and kisses when they mean a thousand times more to me than they do to the guy. But I also do not want to be strung around and left out to dry because something better has come along. So I will forgive what has happened to me this past year but I will not forget so that my experiences this year will be better, more fulfilling, and of a more progressive nature.
Secondly, I am looking forward to trying to sort out a budget for myself. Money, unfortunately, is extremely important to living comfortably and I figure I should probably start learning to live perfectly within my means so that I avoid feeling like I am playing catch up at the end of 2014.
Thirdly, I need to get back on board with the little things, little details of living and growing that will help in my development as an adult. Scripture study, journal writing, personal prayer, Institute. I know that these are important and sometimes they are all that I can do.
And fourthly, I want to be a better friend to my loved ones. To continue to be someone that anyone can feel comfortable talking to.
As far as accomplishing my resolutions for the past year, I really feel that I have become a better listener--and have started to feel less compelled to give advice if it is not asked for. Sometimes people just need someone to look them in the eye and smile, encourage and bolster.
As for news about myself--my 23rd birthday is coming up fast and since I was at home and at the start of the New Year, my parents saw fit to give me my largest birthday gift early... a "new" laptop. It used to be Mom's and is a whole lot nicer than the poor little dinosaur that has been working so hard for me these past 5 years after high school.
Happy New Year and keep your chins up, always striving to improve oneself whilst giving those around you a hand up!
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