So about two days ago now, I dropped my highly expensive touch screen phone with all the bells and whistles into The Water. Therefore, I have been basically phoneless for the past 48 or so hours. Now, most people would have a major freak out at this point being so attached to their phones that they cannot function without them.
Thankfully, I have a work schedule where I usually wake up with plenty of time to get ready and do my usual walk to work (about a 20 minute adventure) so the absence of my alarm device isn't really a huge issue--plus the fact that I have an awesome roommate that makes sure that I am awake with plenty of time to get ready for church on Sundays.
I am at work for a good portion of the afternoon and these are the hours that I am usually checking up on my social media anyway to pass the time between phone calls and walk-up customers.
As far as photography goes, if I really feel the urge to take a photo, I do have a good camera that I can pull out and snap a shot with and transfer to my computer to let everyone know what culinary masterpiece I have whipped up for myself! (Okay, perhaps not that so often as the usual "don't I look cute?" selfie... yeah.)
The point is, I can do everything I need to do without a phone except for making phone calls or shooting texts (which, let's be honest, I don't do a whole lot of to begin with--and those I do text I can just as easily shoot a facebook message to).
In fact the vast majority of my phone usage can actually be accredited to on-the-go music. Even when I have Spotify on my computer at the click of a button, I usually just let my phone play the music so my computer essentially goes a little more speedily since it doesn't have to think about playing music as well as everything else.
While I walk to and from work I usually have my own little life soundtrack playing from my phone which I felt made the walk to and from work quicker seeing as I had something to occupy my thoughts.
And then it happened.
The "catastrophe" that left me without my constant music.
Walking to work was quiet but it didn't feel as long as it usually does without music.
Walking from work however is where I noticed the difference most.
Yesterday was pretty chilly so I was bundled pretty good but I felt I looked pretty cute. There was a nice breeze that carried the leaves about me in an almost magical way as my hair was tossed this way and that. I couldn't stop smiling as I walked. It is autumn. And I nearly missed it because of the occupation that my constant music has had in my mind. As I walked, listening to the beauty that is Autumn, I decided that I would stop by the cafe for a hot chocolate.
About halfway to the cafe, my boss pulled up beside me and offered me a ride home. Normally I would jump at the idea for the sake of getting home more speedily but I declined saying I had plans to stop in for a drink anyway. He drove off and I continued on my merry way. I wasn't worried about time. I wasn't worried that someone would text me and suggest we do something. I was on a date, so to speak, with myself and everything and everyone else could wait.
I got a dark chocolate peppermint hot chocolate and, taking my time to slow down and just observe where I was walking, I took a lot longer than usual to get home but when I did my cheeks were pink with the kiss of cold, my fingers were warm from my drink, and I was content.
In my refusal to rush home, to continuously check my phone to see the time/for messages/for SOMETHING, I had allowed my thoughts to calm and just take in the joy that is Autumn.
You know those moments of quiet, peaceful thought where you really connect to the idea that there is a God and that He has created little moments like those just for you? That all the beauty that is our Earth was created because He loves us?
I believe He created autumn for people like me who take joy in the chill without snow. Who love long walks with crunchy leaves and nipping breezes. Who are content with cups of cocoa and bundling up in peacoats, boots, and scarves.
And if I HAD to drop my phone in The Water, I am glad it happened at the beginning of October in which Autumn lives.
"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."
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