26 November 2012

Of Bodies and Gratitude

What is your favorite part of your body and why?
I am going to cheat on this question and name a couple of my favorite parts.

My feet. Jumping, dancing, strolling along the street. Especially dancing. I find such joy in dancing, grace somehow finds me and there are just so many things you can convey with the movement. I can dance with a partner or I can dance alone. I don't think I will ever be able to fully express my love of dance in the written word.

My hands. Without which I wouldn't be able to play the piano, I wouldn't be able to write, I wouldn't be able to hold the hands of those I love. They are also one of the pieces of me that came from my mom. The same long and slightly crooked fingers, my hands have character without being a hindrance to those things I love to do.

My eyes. I am thankful the Lord gave me a working pair. I get to experience the blessing of seeing the world in all of its color and majesty-- from the intricate workings of trees and their leaves to the colorful symmetry of a butterfly's wings. Although there are many bad sights in this world there is so much more beauty to outweigh it from nature to the smiles on the faces of people passing by. "Friends shaking hands, saying, 'How do you do?' They're really saying, 'I love you.'" I love that I can see these things and also the reaction that others have when I smile at them unexpectedly. Plus, a good friend once described my brown eyes as golden with a hint of green, like a summer day. It was rather poetic and I will never forget it.

That aside--- my lips that I can work into a smile to show that I am well pleased with the body I have. It may not be perfect, but it's exactly what I need to live this life and my loving Father is the one who gave it to me.

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