18 October 2012

5 Happy Presents

Often we are told to "count [our] many blessings, name them one by one".  How many of us cringe when we are told to do so? I am among those who would raise their hands in response to this question. Why? Because it's usually the signal that I am being ungrateful and completely selfish-- wanting more and more when really what I have right now is just perfect for me. 
So what are the 5 things that make me happy? Not in the past or even in the future but right NOW? I just know that when I start listing them more will try to tumble forth from these typing fingers of mine but I will restrict myself to just 5:

1. Hugs. Hugs make me happy. They just have a way of giving me hope, I suppose, that there is always someone willing to give me that little support and show, even for a brief moment, that they care.
2. The weather. It is slowly becoming autumn, the hot chocolate is being passed around whilst we wear scarves and warm sweaters! Autumn is my absolute favorite and thus I can at least be happy about the weather.
3. Music makes me happy. Most particularly, the soundtrack to The Holiday which I ranted a little on just a few days ago. Hans Zimmer is a master composer and I absolutely love the feeling of discovery, joy and love that emanate from his music. You can feel the beats of the script within the music, you can feel Iris' decision to finally move on from Jasper and Amanda's joy as she rushes back to Graham's arms. My heart simply swells!
4. Spontaneity and planning! Spontaneous trips to IHOP at 1 am and the plans that involve returning home to see friends and simple trips to Heber City to watch a musical. I have always been a fan of having a mix of both the expected and unexpected and I seem to be bombarded with it from all sides as of late.
5. Acting. I can go to my class on Tuesdays and Thursdays in a thoroughly depressed or sour mood and come out of that two hour class with a completely new perspective on life. Self-discovery happens in just about every class, if not for myself then at least for the people I work with and it fills me with joy to know how close we are to each other and how we are slowly learning from one another and teaching one another and growing as actors, being approachable and tender and vulnerable. It's truly amazing and simply reinforces my love of the art. 

Growing up has been quite the interesting experience. I learn something new about myself almost every day. Sometimes I share these discoveries and other times they are definitely my private and sacred revelations that are better kept to myself or between myself and God. How wonderful it is to have been sent here to learn and grow! To experience love, happiness and joy and even to experience the sadder moments of life that cause us to turn outward to see what it is that we can do for one another. 
I know I don't serve nearly enough but at least I know this and work every day toward being a better servant in the Lord's plan. Admittedly I don't always succeed day in and day out. There are moments when I grumble and complain, murmur if you will, but it simply gives me more room to grow and the chance to experience more of this life. 
For this I am grateful.

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