30 October 2012

Of Breakfast and Cats

So, in all honesty I don't have much to say about breakfast today. But breakfast of champions? Definitely saltines with chunky peanut butter and a glass of milk. Woohoo! That's how I take on the day!

Erm, anyway.

The topic of this blog post is as follows-- if you were to be any animal, what would it be and why?

Well my friends, I would be a cat. A house cat to be more specific. Why? Well... they're soft. And anyone who isn't allergic or a dog-person loves the pet them. If you know me well, you know that all it takes to put me to sleep is to let my head lay upon your lap as you run your fingers through it. True story. Definitely one of the many reasons I miss my dad and youngest sister. 
Another reason is, like a cat, I am a tad moody (mock if you will) and thus if I like you at a specific moment, you will know. If I don't like you (or anyone for that matter) at a specific time, you will know. Some days I like to be hugged by anyone, other days I am extremely picky to the point of possibly offending someone who I usually am fine with hugging. It's a cat thing.
Next, I love to sleep, eat and if there were a forest nearby and I had nothing else important to do, I love to explore and climb up trees (which can be attested to by some members of my ward... I may or may not have fallen and not landed on my feet but it's because the distance wasn't proper... of course). 
I just think their tongues and whiskers are so cool! The way they work to help the cat get through her day. It is simply fantastic. 
Lastly it would be nice not to have to worry about things and if I were to live in a house such as the one I grew up in as a cat, I would definitely be okay with life.  Oh and secondly lastly, no one questions a cat. If a cat wants to be social then, yay! If the cat doesn't want to be social then people (excepting small children and idiots) steer clear and let the cat be. Yes. I would be a cat.

As a final note, I was sad to hear the other day that one of our three cats has passed on to kitty heaven. She was at least 13 years of age as far as I can reckon and in the last couple months of her life had gone blind. Junior (named such because she looked an awful lot like the cat before her, KitKat) was one of the sweetest and most loving cats you could ever come across. She wasn't the prettiest tabby but she made up for it in her cuddling ways and the fact that she was rarely antisocial. If you wanted to pet a cat, you simply needed to locate her and she would give an obliging comfortable purr. 

Alright, if you care to know what I think my 5 greatest accomplishments in life are thus far, tune in next time. 

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