12 October 2012

No, It's a Perfect Beginning

This is my new blog. Why a new blog, you ask? Simply put, this blog is linked to my gmail account and thus easier to click over to and such other "practical" things as that. 

As the time goes by I also hope to figure out how to make this blog look completely suited and tailored toward me but until then... enjoy the daisies.

To start this blog, I have thought it a particularly neat idea (found through pinterest on  http://cherishinghopesanddreams.blogspot.com/2012/01/30-things.html) to just to let you get to know me and even for me to discover myself a little more fully. Number one on the "30 Things" list is this:
 List 20 random facts about yourself.

1. I absolutely love Nutella and refer to it as the college student's gold.
2. I am an avid lover of theater in general but prefer to be in musicals.
3. If I could choose a famous singer to perform with, I would choose David Archuleta.
4. I am the second oldest of five kids, the first girl.
5. I am shorter than three of my five siblings.
6. My absolute favorite pizza would have to be a simple pepperoni with olives.
7. Rainy weather is my favorite but I do need a break for sunlight now and again.
8. I tend to "come in second" with the guys I like but part of this is greatly due to my encouragement of their interest in other girls. (I will know I have found "the one" when he doesn't heed my advice and stays close to me instead. Haha!)
9. I love to dance! Waltz is my favorite style.
10. I admit it. I enjoy the random Korean/Japanese drama/singer.
11. The only mushroom you will ever see me eat is a chanterelle mushroom. 
12. I have started nearly 20 different story lines. 
13. The longest of these is around 100 typed pages long.
14. I am a hopeless romantic.
15. My favorite role I have ever acted out would have to be Mary, mother of Christ.
16. I dream of playing Belle.
17. Most of my dreams have me flying at some point or another.
18. If I had the means, I would probably wear dresses every day.
19. I wear the same necklace (a heart), earrings (cubic zirconium?), and ring (CTR- choose the right) every day.
20. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

It rained here in Provo today. Long and hard. However, I think it may have stopped for the night. Of course, that isn't my hope, but you can never really depend on the weather around here. You can have rain, snow and hot sunlight all within an hour. Must be mood-swings or something. But it was greatly appreciated that it stayed cold and wet, at least by myself and few other Oregonian/Washington State citizens.  
It cleared up a little so I could walk up to campus (how considerate!) for my friend's play reading. Apparently he has been working on this particular piece for a couple months now, writing and revising and getting it critiqued and attacking the dragon once more. It was quite the experience and we will get to hear it read aloud again in a few weeks time so I definitely look forward to it then.
I still haven't heard from Disney as of yet (for I am attempting to get a paid-internship there with their college program for next semester plus Spring and Summer terms) but hopefully I will know either way in the next couple of days or so. 
Well, I think I am going to try to find something to eat. We'll see what this college student has, neh?  

My next entry will address my fears and how they became just that... fears. Until then!


P.S. You can go here  http://eperteildubbioelacertezza.blogspot.com/ if you care to know what has lead up to this blog.

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