13 April 2014

Freedom... to be Attacked?

I think the most ironic thing about our country is our "belief" in the "freedom of speech". 

Lately there have been dozens upon dozens of people receiving negative feedback and biting backlash for having an opinion that opposes the rapidly growing majority view of such topics as gay marriage and feminism. 

Why are they treated like filth, like the devil incarnate when those who hold the opposite view (or, I move to say, the same opinion of the "oppressed" people) are treated as enlightened, wise beyond a shadow of doubt and held on a higher pedestal than our heroes of war?

What are we doing, America? 

Freedom of speech seems to be becoming a joke. It has been mutated into the following summation: "You are entitled to your opinion, shout it from the rooftops, even! Unless it opposes my view, then to hell with you and keep your mouth shut." 

How crippling. 

Regardless of the popularity of ideas and the "fashions" of today, I stand in the same place I always have stood. 

I believe marriage is meant to be between a man and a woman and the sacredness of that union is for the purpose of bringing the children of heaven into this world. So that they might received bodies like unto our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. That they might be tested and tried and have part in this mortal experience by spiritual beings. 

I do not abide by the idea of abortion. In the Bible it reads, "Thou shalt not kill" and I would further say "or anything like unto it". There are instances wherein abortion may be approved--in the case of rape victims who might never recover psychologically and other such extreme occurrences. But if you use abortion because you didn't "plan" to get pregnant or perhaps even because the baby is going to be a girl instead of a boy--there is blood on your hands that will be harder to wash away than you could ever imagine. 

Women and men are equal partners with different responsibilities. I believe that women need not be ordained to the Priesthood--it is not our responsibility (for, yes, there is a grave responsibility that comes with it--one that I do not even dare to pretend that I can fathom). It is the place of men to be the Priesthood holders and ordinance workers here on Earth while women have that most precious gift to bear children--we are vessels of life! What more beautiful calling could we bear to have given by a loving Heavenly Father? He entrusts His beloved children into our care. Would we betray that trust?

I move that I would not. 

I do not write this because I believe I am perfect or better than anyone else. But if we all waited until we were perfect to speak up and stand for those things that we unequivocally hold true in our hearts--who would there be to stand for truth?

Why do we demand that one another to be open-minded when the first reaction we have to any opinion that opposes our own is to try and squash it like an insignificant fluttering of breath? Why are the only ones allowed to have an opinion the ones who are "paid to write" about (insert controversial topic or even a course of study)?

I don't need to study what the highfalutin scholars have said about topics of morality to know where I stand on the issues. 

How much harder do our hearts need to be, America, before we bring about our own downfall?