07 March 2013

Change and Yearning for Spring

6 weeks.
I have decided that 6 weeks is a long enough period of Cassidy being blonde. That's right. I have finally returned to being a brunette. About time too, apparently, from how happy I was to have brown hair once more. So, unfortunately, if there was any one falling in love with me because of my recent blonde photographs, I am going to lose the following. Hah!
I will probably miss it after a while but someone please remind me how hard it was to find good outfits with blonde hair if I ever start talking about possibly doing it again.
On top of all that, I am growing my hair out, once and for all! I will have some pretty funky looking hair for the next few months but it will all be worth it. I was really missing my long hair this morning during my dance class. Why? We are dancing to Hairspray--- very 60's and all about having fantastic updo's.I wonder if any other girls whom have cut their hair short like me have these, but I have dreams of my hair being long again... it is quite depressing when one awakes to find they are not even close to the length in the dream... alas, I suppose that is a good sign that it is time to grow it out again. 

Aside from that, not much else has changed drastically in my appearance but I have started wearing my retainer again. I finally started to get sick of the fact that my top teeth have shifted just a couple hairs so here is to hoping that if I faithfully wear it, they will move back into place. If they return to where they are supposed to be, it will be worth the discomfort. 
My photography friend says that we will be looking to do another shoot here pretty soon. And we will be working outside this time! Thankfully, it would seem that the weather is turning to spring here in a bit which will make it nice to be outside for photography rather than braving the snowy tundras...

I had a question posed to me the other day about how I would feel about living in Utah. Well, those who know me now know that I despise living here purely because of its ridiculous weather mood swings and the dryness of the air. But before I could give my natural answer and reaction, they clarified that they meant for after school. When I have no reason that keeps me here aside from the fact that, possibly, I am married and thus have to compromise with my husband.
To this I say, you know what? It would not be the worst thing ever to live here in Utah if one were married. Especially in the winter which is my least favorite part of Utah--because at least then I would I have someone to come home to and snuggle with. In the end, if we had to stay here because this was where he could get work, then bring it on Utah! I will stay by his side! 
But it would be a nice end goal to move out of Utah. And where would I go? 
Well, I have heard of some pretty spots on the east coast---but I do have a great fondness for the west coast and I spent a great deal of my youth in the valley... so, as long as camping was in a reasonable distance away, I could live in the California valley. But truth be told, if I could live in Oregon or Washington (the more western the better), then I would be completely content with my living situation. 
Chances are, however, that if I am still single by the time I graduate from BYU, I will more than likely zip back over to the coast of Oregon and live my life there (unless of course the Lord wants me somewhere else... with that in mind, I will probably be in Utah til the day I die... lovely thought). 

All that aside, I really do look forward to spring--not to the allergies it will probably bring with it-- but the warm sunshine and spring rain that won't turn to snow... ah, that is the best! Ironically, I also look forward to the first few nights of summer. The sun stays out longer, when you ride in the car with the windows down, the wind is perfect. Can you not just picture it? And feel it? 

Until next time. 

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