08 November 2012

Hobbies, Not Hobbes

"Saving the world is only a hobby. Most of the time I do nothing." 
- Edward Abbey

 Ah, if only that were truly a hobby of mine. It would be tough, to be sure, but how very satisfying it could be on a day to day basis-- being like a superhero and all. 

On another note, I received a wonderful compliment today! A coworker of mine says I write quite well and the reading of my blog is quite enjoyable. I know people are reading but it is really nice when someone says something about it. And this particular compliment could not be more well timed! For this post is about my hobbies.

Without further ado.

List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them (again, this is in no particular order... I am just writing them as they come to me):

1. Writing. See how well the compliment fits? That is exactly one of the two reasons that I love my hobby of writing. There are actually people out there who enjoy what I have to say and how I tend to write it. I have published a few beginnings to stories on fanfiction sites and the response is always so wonderful and embracing! Secondly, I love putting my dreams and ideas down onto paper so that I can share them with people or so that I can return to them at some later date and see how far I have progressed and how very different my ideas tend to be. It is a wonderful release.

2. Acting. There is simply something about bringing a character to life that has been thought up and planned out by a fellow writer and playwright. I love the growth I experience within my acting and the atmosphere and exhilaration of performing to the audience. I find great joy in both their laughter and their sighs of understanding. Wonderful.

3. Reading. It helps me forget about my own troubles for a while I immerse myself into the imagination. I truly believe that reading is what has kept my heart so young (yes, I know I am only nearly two and twenty, but my heart is still extremely aware and acute to the lesser recognized things of life and tender towards the pains and sorrows of this world). Plus, it also helps me keep my own imagination in shape so that I have things to write about and explore with my own pen and thoughts. 

4. Dancing. I never feel quite as graceful as when I dance with a partner. To learn how to move with someone in such a synchronized way in expected patterns and even some that are unexpected is something beautiful in and of itself. The strength found in working with one another is something that can be applied to many areas of life and also the learning how to rely on one's partner for directions (in the case of the woman to the man) is an interesting concept that sometimes we forget in this independent and competitive world. It is akin to waking up from a long sleep to the ability to access all of your faculties and use them the way the Lord intended.

5. Talking to my friends and family. I love swapping tales of adventure, comedy and romance, to be honest. Especially with people I know. Plus, when I talk with them, I learn so much more than if we just accepted our relationships and went about our regularly programmed lives. I love the moments you remember why you love them and care about them and even find humor in how the way you think about them evolves bare knowledge to a truly in depth understanding of why they do the things they do, the quirks they have, the way they talk, etc etc. I know I would be very sad without them and am thankful (in the spirit of November and Thanksgiving) that the Lord has put them in my pathway when and how He does.  

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