06 November 2012

Plans Beware

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?

With this question, I feel as though I have just been time-zapped back to high school, freshman and senior years. Frankly, I loved this question back then because of all the dreams I had that were yet to be realized and that, at that age, were still completely valid in their possibility of happening.
Let's put it this way: in my plans that I made for my future during senior year, 5 years from that time I was to be 23 and either be married or on a mission by the age of 21. Or, in another dream world, be the next American Idol. Yes, I dreamed big. Furthermore, in 10 years I suspected that I would have at least traveled either across the country or out of the country because of either my family needs and necessities or simply because I had the money to. 
But here I am. 21. 3 months from 22, single, no mission plans, and definitely no place among the music stars of today in the works. And sometimes struggling to make ends meet. Now, some of you will read this and immediately begin sharing words of advice and support in saying such things as, "Don't give up!" or "Things will work out soon!"
I admit, I am bummed to be alone but I know it's simply because I have been working on my time instead of relying on the Lord's time. I know things will work out as long as I continue to follow His counsel and promptings, doing what I have been brought up to believe in such as tithing, scripture study and prayer, temple attendance and fulfilling my church callings.

So. Here we go.

In five years...
I will be 26 going on 27. Regardless of my marital situation, I will be happy and will have figured out exactly how money needs to work in my life. If alone, I will have a full-time job in the spring and summer terms at the very least if I haven't finished school or a full-time year round job if I finish school. If done with school, I will have moved out of Utah to a nicer climate, preferably one with rain that is within a close proximity of a temple. I will have a cat. Preferably a gray one with blue eyes. Named Martin. 

In ten years...
I will be 31 going on 32. I will either be married with a growing family or a strong career in the field of my choosing, living comfortably in a studio apartment with Martin. Engaging and sure of myself, I will have friends that will let me be close to their family and perhaps even be endowed with the title of Aunt. I will make it home for every Christmas unless I am in a production on stage, but will be counted as one of the best aunts of all time to my nieces and nephews. 

In fifteen years...
36... almost 37. Either happily married or living close to my parents so I can be there any time they may need me or I may need them for company. Martin will probably have passed away by this time and I will have a little black cat with gold eyes named Salem. I will have written a best selling novel, finally having gotten all my ideas to settle and form into one story instead of many beginnings with loose ends. I will be living comfortably with my own piano and working on either the sequel of my first book or the beginning of a completely new idea. 

This is how I see it and I will be content with what the Lord blesses me with.

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