05 November 2012

Superpowers... if only, if only.

 Admit it. We have all seen the Avengers or some other great superhero based movie and afterward thought about which super power we would want. Invisibility, flight, to be psychic, telekinetic, super strength, the list goes on. 

So... if you could have one super power, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
To be perfectly honest, the super power I would want changes from time to time. Recently, however, I would really appreciate the power of empathy-- the ability to feel emotions, thoughts, hopes, desires, and dreams of others. This particular power would be useful in a variety of ways. Job searching would be at least a little quicker in the fact that you would quickly be able to weed out the most unlikely or not be surprised when you are, after all, not hired even though you might think the interview went well.
Therefore, seeing as I am looking for a full-time job at the moment, I suppose this would be the first thing that I would put my empathy to work with. 
But I cannot lie... if I already had a job and everything was going swimmingly, then I would use my empathy to learn what others think and feel toward my friends and myself. I would no longer have to guess and give tentative advice to my friends struggling through the battlegrounds of dating but instead would be able to do a quick little reconnaissance (without them knowing of course, because the super power would be kept undercover) before returning to them and being able to tell them whether or not to go for it. 
Obviously, I too have problems with figuring out if the guy actually likes me or not. How quick and nice would it be to learn which guys I should simply avoid because there would be no chance of dating them? Yes, a rather petty thing, but it sure would save me a lot of heartache and headaches. 
Furthermore, I would be able to feel what they are feeling and perhaps have a better time at comforting those who stand in need of comfort and such things. I don't know why but in some instances, I become extremely uncomfortable and downright prickly when people need comfort but that usually stems from not knowing why they are feeling the way they are feeling or what they want out of the situation when all is said and done. 
Without this ability, I merely state what I think of the situation and they can take it or leave it.

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