23 October 2012

Much to Her Chagrin...

I believe a group of my friends and I were on the way to the store the other day when someone asked, quite randomly, what "chagrin" meant. I love having a vast vocabulary. Without missing a beat I answered "embarrassment!" and was very proud of that knowledge. I think I learned chagrin back in 5th grade... probably had something to do with reading the Lord of the Rings, whaaaat? 
Yes. Random fact, when I moved to Corning and met my 8th grade teacher for the first time she didn't believe I had already read the trilogy not once, but three times starting in the 4th grade or so. I took those fancy little reading tests, you know the Accelerated Reading programs? Did not miss a single question on any of the three. Unfortunately, that also meant my number of required A.R. points for the semester jacked up to much more than the measly 50 or so I had been assigned the first semester... at least it gave me a legitimate excuse to read more during that year, right?
Today was a good day and I am definitely looking forward to what tomorrow has in store for me. Hopefully I will hear back from Disney as well... wouldn't that be nice? 

So... to the topic. I am pretty sure this is the hardest question because I have no real idea as to how I am going to answer it. But here it goes...

Describe your most embarrassing moment:

Well, okay, it wasn't a question but back to the point. I have had my share of embarrassing moments, many from when I was younger but I suppose most of my embarrassing moments now are more silent and kept to myself. Ah! Wait! I just remembered one. It didn't come to me at first because it was only between me and my dance teacher from my last semester (winter semester) at the Y. 
So, we were having a special practice session before our medals exams and it was getting down to the nitty gritty details you see. Well, he decided to check my connection. Meaning, while in dance position that we have a good connection through our torsos and hips-- it helps when the man leads you through the dance and just ups your game a little more. We set our arms correctly and he asked me to step into him as if to get ready to start the quickstep. 
I did as he instructed and... he laughed. Confused, I demanded to know what he found so funny... apparently I had brilliant connection from the waist down... he laughed for a good 5 minutes, I was mortified, and every time after that for that session when we got into dance position he would chuckle briefly. 
This embarrassing moment was only compounded by the following class period the next Tuesday or so. Our TA was MIA that day and he wanted to show the class a specific step and how to do it. Of course, it was one of the steps that we had done the most work on and apparently he felt I was qualified and improved enough that I could help demonstrate. I had already told some of my other female classmates of my experience with him from the other day and I could have sworn my face was on fire. 
And of course, when he reached out for my hand and I finally took it, we zapped each other. Not once, but four times after that--- every time we would connect, a little zap of electricity would light upon our fingers. You know those moments when you should keep your observations to yourself? Yeah, I haven't quite mastered that concept just yet... I brought it up with him and, I daresay he was duly embarrassed. I suppose it evens out in the end. 
But goodness...
I actually just thought of another embarrassing moment but I think this is enough for today. Ha. Suckers. 


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